Thursday, September 30, 2010

I read this and I agree.

You eat, you're fat. You don't eat, you're a freak. You drink, you're an alcoholic. You don't drink, you're a pussy. You read, you're a nerd. You don't read, you're stupid. You tell a secret, you're an attention seeker. You don't tell a secret, you're still attention seeking. You let someone in, you're easy. You don't let someone in, you're too uptight. You smoke, you think you're cool. You don't smoke, you're a loser. You've had sex, you're a slut. You haven't had sex, you're a frigid little bitch. You wear make up, you're a slag. You don't wear make up, you're ugly. You can't please anyone. Ever. =____=


perkh, KILLER laa 'senang' tadi.
macam na nanges pon ade.
ta sempat kod ! da laa bnyk careless mistakes.
huwargh !! when is school gonna be over?
sheessh, hate trials but what am i to do.
tape next week habes da.
esok LK and TK so wish me luck :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


perkh, KILLER laa.
tadi paper sejarah ntah apeape je aku jawab.
dah merepek aku kasi Sir Jagdave :D
naseb laa sir. haha.
yang aku bengang nye,
aku tatau plak ade sivik. HAHA !
bangang. masa buat paper sejarah tu aku 3 kali tido kot.
grr, kalau aku dapat C pon alhamdulillah laa :)
esok plak aku agama. hehe. wish me luck :)

Monday, September 27, 2010


tadi paper math. haha.
at first aku cuak laa jugak.
sbb ms How cakap susa.
then bile dapat paper, perkhhhh.
confident gile aku jawab. HAHA !
senang pulak paper 2 ! aku confident nii.
haha, then paper 1 pulak yang agak memeningkan kepala.
aku hentam banyak laa yang pasal unknown tuu.
dia suro express y in terms of w tu aku hentam.
HAHA ! tapi alhamdulillah yang laen insyaallah ok,
aku harap laa dapat paling kurang pon B :)
doa kan aku ye :) esok plak, grr.
lagi rajen aku. -.-
sejarah plak. benci ohh. ngntuk.
huwaaaa. -.-zzzz
tido lagi best. HAHA ! niway, wish  me luck :)

Saturday, September 25, 2010


dia paksa I..

dia kate ta saket..

dia suro I buka..

jadi I buka laa..

dia masukkan...


bila dia cabut,

ade DARAH ?!!

cilake punye Dr. Gigi.

where am I after SPM?

actually, the topic should be :

serious rase macam na nanges je pikir pasal sekola.
sebab SPM da na dekat.
bukan SPM yang buat aku na nanges.
aku na nanges sbb kemane kite lepas SPM?
mane pegi kawan kawan semua?
mane cikgu yang kita sayang and yang sayang kite?
mane buku sekola? mane baju sekola?
mane meja kerusi sekola?
kawankawan, nanti lepas SPM, korang na pegi mane?
mane aku na pegi? bile dapat sembang lagi?
bile lagi na lepak McD? bile na gossip?
bile na picnic? bile na bukak puase samesame?
tak ke korang terfikir? nanti kita da ta jumpe.
semua ade hala tuju masing masing.
semua ade kawan baru.
semua lupe hal lame dulu.
semua jadi busy. semua da lost contact.
sumpa aku rase macam na nanges.
friends forever konon.
nanti korang mesti lupe aku do.
aku sumpa sedey. da laa. ta larat aku na type.

my 1st talk on assembly.

Personally I think this coming date (030809) would kinda suck
I am going to present a presentation.
I don't mind doing it, but it's in front of the 
I am like 
freaking out here!
As I was saying, I am like going to talk about "chrysanthemum flower"
And I was like
I think it was my stupidest choice of story.
Dammit. Anyway, wish me luck :)

clay aiken - invisible

totally in love with this song and the singer :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

I can read it , can You?

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.


listen to this guy.

ILYSM thaqif ! you make my heart melt.  aww aww !

when I was like what? 3 :)

hahaa. nak dengar citer ni tak?
at that time was english lesson.
waktu tuh I baru form 3 :)
teacher hardiza was my english teacher (duhh)
she came up with somewhat lesson that 
she gave us one word and make few sentences..
she gave me the word 'BOYS'
I was like "what was she thinking. am I gonna mess up"
hahaa. the first sentence I came up with was...
erm, boyss... are... urmm.. the opposite of girls.. (*giggle² )
then, dy ckp "else?"
urm, they are.. urm, very annoying? haha.
then she said okay stop.
give one last sentence about boys.
urmm.... urm.... uuuhhhh, boys...
boyyss.. boy oh boyy.... hahahaa.
ermm, boys will be boyss... hehehe..
then she laughed, wrote something then said okay.
hahahah. bodo gile aku depan chegu tuh.
segan kott. but aku sendiri tatau cmner leyy kua boys will be boys. haha. :))

a little less about me :)

kalau korunk nak tau..
sbnr nyer aku ni agak bitchy lah gak.
especially kat skolah..
kalau ta caye kan, tny lah bebudak kelas belakang tuhh.
I don't like talking to people I don't know.
and I don't like people I don't know talking to me.
I won't even look at you when you talk to me.
heyy, call me rude, but that's the way I am.
aku cuma akan tegur org aku kenal. simple as that ;))

I am me. deal with it ;))

once upon a time

tadi aku nangis. na tau nper? papa lah. mcm ni cter nyer. waktu tuh baru blek dari kelas ustaz. belajar akidah lah kan. ( biaser lah org alim ) :)) pastu ktorg na g lunch kat kampung baru. dorg pasang lagu dangdut like usual so aku pasang earphone. it's not like aku ta dgar aper dorg cakap. sbb aku pasang volume rendah jerr. then suddenly papa n mama bising ckp ktorg pasang kuat². then fana ckp bkn fana. then she was like totally and suddenly blaming me. WHAT THE EFF!! I was like totally thinking. aku ckp lah mner ader. fify pasang slow jer. mama then ckp "abestuh aper bunyik kuat tuh" then aku ckp lah bkn fify. then suddenly papa yelled at me. then dy mntk phone aku. aku kasi lah earphone ajer. pastuh dy mntk phone skali. aku kasi lah. then aku pandang tingkap all of a sudden aku meletop. nangis lah aku. then papa jerit lgy. ckp aper y papa maseh dgar tuh. nak tau tak aper sbnr nyer??
that stupid damned old RADIO!! bapak lah bengang aku. pastu elok² jer smpai kat kdai makan tuh. aku kua lah keta cpt². mama kasi blek phone sbb da tau salah dorg.
papa diam jerr. pndai pown na diam. bengang kott! then mama n fana saw me crying aku ckp lah kat fana. saket hati kott! dy diam jerr lah. dah tatau na ckp aper. then kat kedai tuh aku makan senyap jerr. papa soh mkn ayam y dy offer tuh. mmg sedap lah sbb penah mkn dulu. pergh aku pnyer saket hati tolak lahh. rugi kott. but wtv. biar dy tau aku saket hati. smpai umah baru the surrounding started to calm down. malam ni baru aku tegur papa. kalau aku dah sial mmg aku ta gor da. haha. so baru korunk tawu aku pown boleh nangiss :))


yesterday was my greatest day and yet the most embarrassing day in my life. aku g ioi tgk cter Sherlock Holmesfana beli pop corn. yeah mmg sedapp :) after the movie, kitorg nak g beli baju kat brands outlet. yelah 3 for RM50 kater kan :)) otw there, boleh plak nmpk dak skola. aku yeryer jer na sombong lah enn. mner tegor dak skola kat luar. skali aku tgk, perghh. dorg gelak2. wondering why, at 1st wat tatau. then I checked my baju ader popcorn melekat. PERGHH. siket ta malu aku. haha. tu jelah. then fana ajak jmper yadd. pastu abes shopping engt na beli cake b'day fana. skali ta ckop dwet. then balik jelah. dalam bas plak i was like totally scared beyond scareness. haha. sebelah aku dah lah keling then ader lak mamat endon diri sebelah aku. ermm, sikit taleh wangi lagi ketiak dia. haha. mmg the most sucky day in my life :)) anyway tu jelah aku na cter. until the next post, byebye :))


You both pick the same item, he gets up shyly, and takes you to the closet by holding your hand. You are shocked, but go along with it because he's hot. You get in the closet. He says' "Fify I've liked you for so long." "I liked you too, but, I dont know how much." He looks at you for 10 second getting closer and closer to you. You look down. He puts his hand on his waist and holds youhand and says: "A dance?" You laugh and say yes. You cirle around and step step tap. Then....he leans in, softly holds your heaad, and kisses you, and you go in deeper. He takes a sharpie out of his pocket [while you're still kissing] and writes his number on your arm. He pulls away. You both walk out holding hands, and sit down next to each other. At the end of the party, he whispers to you, "Call me." So you ring his as soon as you get home. He says, "I thought youd never ring" You reply, "I love you." "Meet me under the tree in the park, 12 tonight." "Sure" He hangs up after you finish that word. Later that night you see him under the tree and he asks you, "Will you go out with me?" "YES!" You shout and you kiss him fr a LONG time. Then you get married a few years after high school and die together with 2 perfect children. You lucky bugger.

*how I wish this was real. -.-

a day out with sistah

Monday, February 15, 2010

yeah. i watched Percy Jackson very cool. 
the animation and all. 
i watched it at KLCC at 4pm. 
were you there with me? lol =)) 
at that time, i realised I fell in love with Logan Lerman :) 
he's damn cute you know :))

well I'm still looking forward to watching 
Valentine's Day and Alice In Wonderland :)) 

that would be all :)


yeah I like totally love watching glee.
never missed one episode :))
my fav actor would be chris colfer!!!
omg! idgad if he's gay.
I would be your gay anyday just to be with you :p

ily my gayy :))

him ;(

now I can't seem to get you out of my head.
damn friends. why do they kept reminding me of you?
now I'm more sad than ever.
if I'd one ticket to return to the past,
I would go exactly 3 years back.
at 24th oct to say I'm sorry that we broke up.
let's get back together.
but what does a girl like me know.
hell, I can't go back in time.
I should just let it go.. :(

that one day

it was like that time we got like pta meeting and all.
but at the same time, I got a school project.
so my father was suppose to go to this pta meeting.
while I go to the project, both of it was at my school.
and so, my friend tyqaah was like suppose to walk with me to school.
but my father wanted to send me while he go to the meeting.
so I told my friend papa wanted to send me.
so, I told her to come along.
then, I told papa that she's following us.
means she "tompang" me in the car.
then papa said and I quote "ape bapak dia sekali na tompang?"
he thought that her father was going to the pta also. xD

trial : english

tadi paper english. boley tahan laa senang. essay tu ade dia suro end with " made me realise the importance of love in our lives" so tibetibe idea spread in my head as far as the ocean :D aku decide utk buat cerita pasal "The Proposal" yang Sandra Bullocks dgn Ryan Reynolds belakon tu. huhu, tapi banyak aku edit jadi cerita sendiri laa. HAHA ! tu section B : continuous writing. section A : directed writing pulak informal letter. aku pon hantam jelaa. aku bantai nama Sally dgn Daisy Dukes. haha, nama aku laa Daisy Dukes. maket doh :D dia suro cerita pasal "How to Prevent Snatch Theft" . aku pon bebel laa macam macam. pegi tae-bo laa. HAHA !


tahun nii raya agak suck.
maybe sebab lepas raya aku trial kan.
tapi balek kampung pon da macam ta raya.
aku tanya org laen pon dorang cakap macam tu.
kenape ehh? korang raya best ta?
tapi aku dapat feeling raya tu time raya dgn kawan laa.
kitorang betulbetul spent raya gilegile tahun nii.
since nii last raya dgn dorang kan. huhu.
gonna miss you guys lepas SPM :(

well, nii jelaa gamba yang berjaya ditangkap :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010


haha, semalam memang best.
aku ain and zakiah macam biase rehat samesame.
gile ta senonoh dorang, ta selera aku na makan.
ktorang lepak kat tapak perhimpunan.
boleyboley pulak dorang open pasal kentut.
HAHA ! ain laa pegi open story pasal kentut.
mula nye macam nii. ain ngn aku saket perut.
then dia cakap dia na kentut, aku ckp laa aku pon.
haha, tapi kitorang menahan laa. haha. malu do. :D
then ain cerita pasal masa dorang pegi raya (ta ajak aku -.-)
ain and faiz gemuk tu pegi ruma zakiah. haha.
kelaka siot. aku non stop gelak nii.
then ain kate dia denga bunyi macam orang hentak meja.
sikit kuat lagi. HAHA ! then faiz tu pandang zakiah.
ain tga blur time tu. then faiz tanya kat zakiah.

"ko kentut eh?" then zakia plak boley buat muka tatau pape. 
HAHA ! ta senonoh gile kot. masyaallah. then ain cite pasal faiz plak.
haha, kenape semua orang kentut ain denga? hebat telinga dia kan? :D
ain cite, waktu tu dia dgn gemuk jalan. na balek sekola ta silap.
gemuk tibetibe cakap. "wey ain, aku na kentut, jauh sikit"
HAHAHA ! ta senonoh betul dua orang tu. 
then ain jauh laa. takan na dia pegi ikut gemuk kentut. bhaha.
then selepas gemuk menyelesaikan misi dia, dia pegi balek kat ain.
then gemuk cakap ape tau?
"wey ain, aku rase bau kentut tu ikot aku laa"

grr, geram aku denga. memang gelak jelaa aku. haha.
wel, tu jelaa cerita aku :)
kelmarin dorang cite pasal berak pulak.
tapi malas aku na type. penat da nii. kesian laa aku :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


tadi lepas balek sekola aku lepak McD.
sekian lame, mengidam pulak aku. haha.
lagi pon kawankawan ajak kan. can't refuse :)
when are we going to lepak lagi?
we gotta like spend everyday like its the last.
haha. mmg meriah laa sampai 3 meja share.
so I thank you guys for making my day a happy one :)

tyqa ina lyaa ziela amal alam akill and haidar.
tapi at the last minute baru sampai lagi beberapa kawan.
maz fizah rozai syiro amir :)

thanks you guys. :)

but sorry gamba takde. huhu.
kalau ade aku da upload laa. :)

Monday, September 20, 2010


I've been keeping this in my head for too long.
why can't you see the obviously hints I've been linking to you.
ohh I just wish that I would be wrapped in your arms right now.
but you made me wait too long. 
now Idk whether you still love me or not.
you are playing with my feelings for god sake.
please don't do this to me. you should know that
iwillalwaysloveyouforeverandalways :/