Sunday, February 27, 2011

sorry guys

as you can see , it's been a while since i updated my blog
yeah , I've been busy (if you know what I mean) :D
hey ! I'm not that busy la . I've been busy working okay .
hee , yeah . first I worked at a handbag fair for two weeks .
here are some of my duty on the job .
I call it "spelet" :)

then I got off for one week . then I got a job at cub-bon .
yeah . started at last Monday until Thursday .
I got leave on Friday and Saturday . then I decided ..
heck , I'm bored . I wanna quit . and so I did :)
but the 4 days I got at least one memory with me .

Monday, February 7, 2011


i like the old you .
when you were more selekeh and shit .
when you didn't know anything .
when I was the one suppose to guide you .
but now you've changed .
you've dress well . you are more macho .
but I like the sweet , innocent and untidy you .
gosh I miss you . but heck , you don't feel the same towards me .
so it's time to say goodbye . so , goodbye sayang :(

Sunday, February 6, 2011


why can't a girl be in a relationship with two guys she deeply in love with ?
it's a hard decision you know . to choose the right one .
are you willing to say goodbye to the person you like or the one who likes you ?
help me !

Friday, February 4, 2011

attention !

this entry is dedicated to all parents in the world .
you should know by now you adolescent child can think by their own .
they do not want you to be telling them what they should do .
they only need you to be guided . I myself sometimes felt that way .
I don't like being tell what to do . all teenagers are like that .
I know sometimes we get like stressed out by whatever you say .
but it's not like we don't love you .
we act the way we are because we just want your attention .
so quit stressing out your child . they will do crazee things when they're stressed out .
I know I did once . but I wont say what I did .
lastly , MOM and DAD
and I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused .

Thursday, February 3, 2011


it's 1.26 am
and it's times like this I need my shoulder to cry on .
tyqa , aku sangat perlukan kau skrg .
aku sedih macam aku cakap haritu .
aku dah tatau na buat apa .
I want him but I don't .
you wanna know why I felt so ?
because I really really REALLY want him .
but I want to know does he feel the same ?
aku sedih tyqa . tolong aku :'(

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


nampak forrest , teringat faris .
nampak renoma teringat husna .
namapk schwarzenbach teringat tanjung .
nampak stationary , teringat daus .
tapi time naik lift , teringat semua sekali .
dan saat saat bangang ketika masa tu .
macam jakun gila tak pernah naik lift .
aku dgn fana sakit layan korang .
tapi tuu la saat indah :)